State Senator Derek Schmidt apparently just needed a little encouragement to take on Steve Six in next year's Attorney General's race. And just like that, a day later Schmidt took the plunge.
And not wasting anytime taking a shot at Six. There is clearly an opening for some leadership in the Attorney General's office.
"Earlier this month, I picked up my hometown newspaper and learned that local law enforcement officers took down a meth lab only about a mile from my home in Independence. An armed fugitive was loose, perhaps somewhere in my town, perhaps somewhere in my quiet neighborhood, perhaps in a yard where my children and their friends play.So it's off to the races and Steve Six must have the sweats, being a virtually unknown around the state and it won't help having a "D" next to his name next fall."Life's events sometimes have a way of opening our eyes to the obvious. The principal focus of my service in the Senate has been making Kansas a safer and more secure place to live, work and raise a family. This work is not done and I remain committed to it. This is where I can make the greatest difference for our state over the next four years."
This gets the Kansas GOP one step closer to sweeping the State next year. Now the GOP just needs to recruit a well-known and qualified person to take on Democrat Dennis McKinney, who was appointed state treasurer after Lynn Jenkins defeated Nancy Boyda in the 2nd district in 2008. We'll throw out some names for state treasurer and see if, like Schmidt, someone heeds our call.
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